5 Ways to Use Instagram for Your Business

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volg @laurenceuvin

Hey, ik ben laurence

We’re here to scream it loud for the brands with a mission – numbers aren’t everything.

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t have the swipe-up feature. You’re not blessed with the little blue verification badge next to your name? Good news: you don’t need it. Not getting 1,000+ likes every time you upload? Not an issue. 

You don’t have to have thousands of followers to have an impact or to use Instagram to its fullest potential to build and grow your brand.

5 ways to use instagram for business

If you are interested in collaborating with brands, you absolutely can – no matter your follower count! The micro-influencer industry is thriving and proves that there’s space for everyone on the gram. 

What’s important is that your content reflects your business and that you’re using the platform to communicate with your audience in an authentic way. 

Here are some ways you should consider using Instagram for your business: 

  1. To share your message. I know that you’re a person who is disciplined, fierless, openminded, entrepreneurial, committed and fun. You need your message out there. No one else is thinking what you think, or experiencing what you experience. YOUR MESSAGE NEEDS TO BE HEARD.

  2. To sell your brand in an authentic way. Instagram is a great medium to use all the elements of your brand to build a sort of personality for your business. Incorporate your color palette, signature icons, fonts, patterns, past work, current projects, future aspirations, inspirations, etc. in a way that feels unique to you. Every post is an opportunity to shape the way your business is perceived. 

  3. To solidify your brand. I don’t know about you, but I check Instagram before booking anything nowadays. Whether it’s a future vacation, a hair appointment, or a restaurant…you name it, I stalk it. Seeing photos and videos helps me visualize what the actual experience will be like, so I often head to Instagram to get the “vibe” before taking any action. All too often, Instagram is the deciding factor. This is why, to our point above,  it’s so important to make sure your grid is reflective of the look and feel you want for your business. 

  4. To build and engage with your community. Photos are the main source of media on the Gram right now, but Instagram also allows for captions and videos. Between text, photo, and video, they’ve pretty much covered every mode of communication. Use this to your advantage! You can write to, or better yet – use your front camera and actually SPEAK to – your audience directly. But don’t just interact with them, connect with them. 

  5. To get noticed and stand out from the crowd. Exposure, exposure, exposure. Instagram provides a world of opportunity to connect not only with potential customers, but also with other brands, potential employees, influencers, journalists or media outlets in your industry, countries you haven’t yet tapped into, etc. The possibilities are endless. Here are some basic questions to ask yourself to ensure that you’re maximizing your reach: 

    1. Are you utilizing relevant hashtags on each post?

    2. Are you tagging relevant accounts on each post? 

    3. Are your posts tailored for the Discover page? 

    4. Are you utilizing the location feature on each post? 

    5. Are you posting at the optimal time of day, and day of the week (according to your Insta metrics)? 

  6. To show your personality. Your website is a more of a static, professional medium for your business, while Instagram is a more frequently updated, social platform that you can use to express your business in a more intimate manner. This flexibility gives you plenty of options to break through the boring business shell and show off the purpose behind the brand. Don’t be afraid to let your passion rise to the surface and to use this platform to inspire instead of sell. Be vulnerable! It will go a long way with your audience (who are also your potential customers). 

Looking to fine-tune your Instagram strategy and build an authentic brand? Let’s have a one on one chat…

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