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volg @laurenceuvin

Hey, ik ben laurence

I think I could write a book on all the “reasons” I’ve heard (and even made, myself, in the beginning) as to why an entrepreneurial idea can’t be pursued. 

I’m not talented enough. I don’t have the time. I’m not ready for the risk. I don’t know what I want to do. I’m waiting for the perfect moment to shift. I’ll do it next year…

But there’s one excuse – and it IS an excuse – that I think plagues entrepreneurial-minded people the most. 

It’s the myth that your idea is taken, and therefore what you have to contribute isn’t unique or important enough. It’s tricking yourself into believing that the idea is no good because it’s been done before. 

The point I want to make here is short and sweet and incredibly important. 

I want you to know that there is value in what you have to offer right here, right now. Your voice needs to be heard. Your work needs to be released into the world. Your talent needs to be displayed. It’s your time. Right. Now.

Your Unique Value

If you really think about it, nothing in the creative space, in business, or in life is 100% original. The inspiration has to come from somewhere! 

Even this very blog topic has probably been written about before. But that author didn’t string their words together the way I am. I bet they didn’t have the same tone or style of writing. They couldn’t have had the same life experience that led them to our mutual conclusion. And I know they didn’t have the same community reading this.

So you see, I’m bringing my message to you in my own words, with my own unique perspective, through my own channels. And if I am able to get through to even one person reading this blog, then I did what I set out to do. 

So the fact that someone else may have already addressed the subject? That’s irrelevant. 
Plus, take a minute to consider what happens if you DON’T pursue the idea. Life will be business as usual and you’ll never know what could have come of your brilliant idea. 

Now what happens if you DO put yourself, and your idea into the world in your own special way? Who knows – maybe one of your followers or clients needed to hear the exact words that came out of your mouth and you changed their life. Maybe you received great feedback and gained the confidence to take it even further.

The worst thing that could happen, is that it doesn’t make the splash you wanted it to. And that’s okay! You tried, so you won. 

Everyone sees the world differently. That fact alone is one of the most beautiful things about life. It’s also PROOF that you have a one-of-a-kind view, different than anything anyone has ever put forth before. 

So even if someone else is already doing what you want to do – even if you don’t have a completely inventive photo to share or business to start or book to write – it is still worthy of doing. Simply because it comes from YOU. And that makes it unique enough. 

My advice to you is this: if you have an idea that lights you up in that passionate, scary-but-oh-so-exciting way, please please please pursue it.

And when that voice in your head whispers “but someone else has already done this” I want you to say “thanks for your concern, but just because they did it doesn’t mean that I can’t.” 

Then get to work and revel in the magic that follows when you pursue your passions. 

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