5 Steps to Build an Online Business from Scratch

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5 steps to build an online business from scratch

Step One: Think about your ‘why’

Before you can get your business in order, you need to get your mind in order. Because if your resolve isn’t strong, your business isn’t either.

First thing’s first. Have you identified the reason for your business journey in the first place?

Not to make money…I mean the real reason – your why. Because if you’re clear on your why, the how will come to you. You have to stay connected to your purpose in every aspect of your business so that it remains authentic and fulfilling each step of the way.

Lay out your short and long term goals so you have a direction to work in and dedicate yourself to tasks that will get you to the next goal on the list.

You gotta commit. Even when things are unclear, or you run into a roadblock, you have to promise not to let yourself buy into the myth that you’re not cut out for this. You can do whatever you set your mind to; you are your only limit!

This stuff is just as important as the tangible tasks we’re about to dive into. If you don’t have a solid mindset, the business tactics won’t work.

Step Two: Niche down

Now that you’ve done the inner work, we can get down to the business plan.

First up on the agenda is to niche down. This means finding what sets you apart from your competition and using your distinguishing factors to your advantage.

It sounds scary at first, but even picking the wrong niche will propel you in the direction of your right niche.

Then you can dive into market research to understand your target audience and create a customer avatar. This way you’ll know who you’re talking to and how to frame your content for them specifically so that they can’t resist your brand.

Step Three: Build your Personal Brand

Now we can apply our research to build an irresistible personality for our business – our brand. From the logo, to the color palette, to the fonts and the tone of voice used in your copy, every single aspect of your brand should be tailored to your business values and the audience you wish to attract.

Once your brand elements are established, use them to create a website and social media channels.

Tip: Remember your end user! They should have a consistent, cohesive experience across all channels and mediums. 

Step Four: Shout it from the rooftops!

The foundation is set! Now it’s time to engage and offer your audience some value.

At first, we want to offer value for free. Yes, for free!

You want to establish yourself as a subject matter expert, and the fastest way to do this is to share your knowledge. So pick the medium that works best for your business (instagram, twitter, facebook, linkedin, etc) and share your value with your audience free of charge.

In time, your audience will come to trust you and you can start to build a real community (who will be willing to buy from you when you release your money-making offer).

And then stay top of mind. Don’t go quiet! It takes consistent communication to stay relevant in the eyes of a consumer.

Step Five: Set your price & Monetize

Your audience is listening now. They trust you. They look up to you. It’s time to provide some paid value now.

If you’re confused about what to offer in order to bring in the cash, try referring back to the long-term-goals list we made in step one and think of ways to match these goals to a money-making offer.

Then all that’s left to do is set your price, build your sales page and pitch!

But if you need a little coaching or encouragement along the way, I’m here to help. I offer 1:1 coaching, and am soon releasing a digital course that walks you through each of these phases in meticulous detail. Sign up for the email list to be the first to know when the course is released!

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