
Using giveaways to grow your audience


Let’s paint a picture. You’re creating beautifully branded content that’s relevant to your audience. You’re putting it out on all the right channels at all the right times. You’re engaging with your audience. But the numbers – the likes, comments, views, re-pins, retweets, followers, clients, profits – just aren’t growing as fast as you’d like.  […]

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Ik heet laurence!

Marketer, podcaster, reiziger, coworking founder, triatleet en coach. 

Je bent op de juiste plek om jouw dromen om te zetten in realiteit. Let's make it work!


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M'n coaching programma's zijn ontworpen zodat jij vlot en met fun jouw bedrijf kan groeien.

Let’s paint a picture. You’re creating beautifully branded content that’s relevant to your audience. You’re putting it out on all the right channels at all the right times. You’re engaging with your audience. But the numbers – the likes, comments, views, re-pins, retweets, followers, clients, profits – just aren’t growing as fast as you’d like. 

giveaways to grow your audience Laurence Uvin

This is when you give them something they can’t resist. A secret weapon. A giveaway. 

You can’t deny it – people love free sh*t. People also love a good gamble… we’re only human. So you play to these desires and host a giveaway. Why? Offering a chance to win something for free both grabs their attention and allows them an opportunity to interact with your brand. When you think about it, you’re offering them something of value with little to no investment on their part. So why wouldn’t they participate? 

Now what do you get out of this? You’re using their desire to win to your advantage. All you have to do is figure out what their desire is, and what you want your advantage to be. 

Here’s the golden giveaway equation: [Their desire] in exchange for [Your advantage] = The Giveaway. 

Give away your time, expertise, or something else of value

Their desire = advice and guidance
Your advantage = a bigger email list
The giveaway = winning a free consulting session in return for their email address

Want a free consulting session with me? Subscribe to the email list for a chance to win!

Their desire = A new toy
Your advantage = Exposure to new clients
The giveaway = something of interest in exchange for more followers

Had your eyes on [enter flashy new toy on the market here]? Follow me and tag 2 friends in the comments for a change to win it for free! 

Their desire = the knowledge from your exclusive content
Your advantage = engagement on your Instagram post
The giveaway = winning your ebook for free in exchange for interaction on your Instagram

You want my ebook for free? Comment below for a chance to win!

In the spirit of giveaways, I’ve included one here. Subscribe to my email list below and you’ll be automatically entered to win a free consultation with me. Valid through July 16th 2020. 

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Ik ben Laurence,

Zo zie je, ik ben niet één iets, en ik denk jij ook niet. Ik wist sinds ik jong was dat ik ambitie had en alles uit m'n leven wou halen. Nu reis ik de wereld rond, geef ik coaching en baat ik samen met m'n partner een coworking space uit voor ambitieuze ondernemers. Ik ben meer gepassioneerd dan ooit om andere gepassioneerde ondernemers te helpen.

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Hey ceo!

Marketer, podcaster, reiziger, coworking founder, triatleet en ondernemerscoach. 

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