So, you don’t have an email list (yet)? 

personal branding
volg @laurenceuvin

Hey, ik ben laurence

Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. Let’s start with the basics.

email list building laurence uvin

Why is an email list so important anyways? 

You don’t own your Instagram, or Facebook, or Tik Tok followers. Your email list is the only thing you actually have control over. Think about it this way: What would you do if Instagram shut down tomorrow? 

Social platforms absolutely play a role in your content marketing, but ultimately they’re unpredictable. Even if it feels like you can put out whatever you want on social media, your reach is always limited to the algorithm. 

However, because your email list is your own, you get to decide what content is delivered. Have something you want to show your audience but know that it won’t perform well on Instagram? Hello, email list! 

Now that you’re convinced, let’s move onto the actionable items. 

How do I build an email list?

Pick an email marketing provider. I know this part is off-putting for many due to the assumed technical requirements. But the good news is that email marketing service providers have gotten really good at simplifying the backend for all my non-technically-inclined entrepreneurs out there. Just pick a provider that’s compatible with your budget, integrations, and analytics needs. Here are some to look into: 

  • Flodesk

  • Mailchimp

  • Convertkit

  • Infusionsoft

Gather subscribers. As you know, adding your contacts to your email list without their permission is illegal. So you have to constantly give your audience opportunities to sign up themselves. 

Knowing where to physically place the subscription CTA is important. Here’s a short list: 

  • On your website. Better yet, in the footer or on multiple pages of your website. 

  • In your Instagram bio and all social media pages

  • In your blog & social posts

  • In your email signature

Once the subscription CTA is readily available on all of your platforms, you can consider the best way to bring attention to them. Here are some ideas:

  • Make it as easy as possible for them to sign up. They should be able to type in their email, click submit, and BOOM. Subscribed. Success.  

  • Reach out to past clients or connections that you already have and ask them if they’d like to stay updated on future promotions, events, etc. Provide the link and make sure to put the onus on them to take the action of subscribing.

  • Tell them what to expect. How often they can expect to receive emails from you, and what value the emails will provide? 

  • Give them incentive. If the helpful content you’re going to provide isn’t incentive enough, consider hosting a giveaway in exchange for their email address. 

Consistently put out good content. Does this sound familiar? It’s not enough to get people to subscribe, you also have to keep them subscribed. You can do this by putting out relevant, branded content. Here are some tips on how to organize your content.

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