Why Visualisation is Crucial to Grow Your Business

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volg @laurenceuvin

Hey, ik ben laurence

Did you know that your brain doesn’t understand the difference between imagination and reality? Seriously, google it!

But after you’ve verified the facts, let’s think about what this means for you and your business goals.

If your brain truly can’t tell the difference between reality and your daydreams about earning five figures a month, then you’re not actually daydreaming at all. You’re programming your mind.

When you think a thought, your brain perceives it as reality. And if it’s reality, then it’s attainable because it already exists! Make sense?

But that’s not even the best part.

Once you know this, you can use it to your advantage. You can purposefully plant thoughts in your mind, letting your brain think it’s already real, and eventually, it becomes real.

It’s not magic. It’s manifestation.

Because once your brain experiences the joy and satisfaction of the achievement you’re envisioning, you – mentally, physically and even subconsciously, start to work toward that moment. Everything you do is now completely with that end goal in mind, even if you don’t realize it. Your actions subtly shift to push your toward that experience (that you “already had” in your imagination) again.

Your mind is now familiar with the scenario so it’s more achievable than it was before.

So how exactly do you visualize?

  1. Know what you want. Create the space for your goals to show up. Your real goals – the ones that are so big that they actually scare you to admit.  Ask yourself the hard questions and allow yourself to answer honestly. And don’t skimp on the details! Be specific. Identify the exact amount of money you want to make on the precise date you want to make it. Because you can’t make progress if you don’t know what you’re supposed to be progressing toward. Your goal has to be a thought before it can become reality.

  2. Visualize it. What does it feel like to have achieved your goal? How are you going to celebrate? Who is the first person you’ll tell? Bring in as much detail as possible, like a movie in your mind. Imagine with intention. Embed your desire into your mind and return to it frequently. The more you envision, the more ingrained it is. And the more ingrained it is, the more likely you are to make it happen.

  3. Act on it. Now that you know what the destination is, you can start navigating to get there. Take steps toward your goal, no matter how small. Show your mind that you’re serious about this dream. And when the next opportunity comes your way, rise to the occasion. The best part is that you’ll subconsciously be aligning to that “experience” you had (the thought you planted) in ways you’re not even aware of.

  4. Don’t give up. Nobody said it would happen overnight.  We’re working with intention, not magic. So don’t stop trying before you’re able to manifest the vision! Stay the path. Continue to move in the direction of your dreams.

I’m not promising you that everything you imagine will suddenly come true. But I can tell you from personal experience that what you focus on, you create more of. And when you’re constantly focusing on – visualizing and imagining – your end goal, your own conscious and subconscious mind (and the universe, if you’re into that sort of thing) will conspire to make it happen.

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