Promoting your Coaching Services with Paid Ads

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volg @laurenceuvin

Hey, ik ben laurence

If you’ve read my blogs before, I’m sure you have a pretty clear idea of how important organic traffic and engagement is for your business. You want your clients to be drawn to you because you’re genuinely offering what they’re looking for, and they trust you to deliver. If you’ve established that symbiotic relationship, you’re off to a great start. 

On the contrary to how marketing used to be (I’m talking billboards and flyers here), we have evolved to a way more targeted and measurable kind of marketing (digital marketing, and more specifically paid ads). 

paid ads for an online coach

Paid ads will advertise your offer to audiences you may have not been able to reach yet. They’ll get your product or service in front of those who are likely to show interest in what you have to offer. Ads are a powerful strategy to get the word out and grow your audience, and contrary to popular belief, they’re not so scary! 

Ads have three main components, no matter which channel you decide to push them to: A headline and supporting copy, a visual, and a call to action button. But before you can create an ad, you need to understand who you’re advertising to.

First, let’s take a look at your warm audiences. What kind of people already interact with you on your social channels? How would you describe the kind of person who regularly visits your website? Who’s been downloading your freebies? Create two ads that you think would apply to your warm audience members. 

Next, think about your cold audiences. Which audiences do you feel have potential, but that you haven’t quite tapped into yet? Create two ads that you think would appeal to your cold audience members. 

Now you want to place your ads where your audiences are most likely to see them. So where are your warm and cold audiences showing up? Which channels are they on most frequently? 

So long as you have business accounts for your social channels, you have options. 

  • Facebook offers image, video, video poll, carousel, slideshow, collection, lead, dynamic, messenger, stories, and interactive ads.
  • Pinterest offers promoted pins, one-tap pins, carousels, video pins, app pins, and buyable pins.
  • Instagram offers photo, video, carousel, collection, explore, IGTV, shopping and stories ads with various call to action buttons and objectives. 

Of course, you can also advertise on other social platforms, like YouTube and LinkedIn, but these are my favorite mediums for advertising my coaching services. And if you want to cover all your bases, you can advertise on Google as well.

Don’t be intimidated! Each platform will walk you through how to set up your ad, step by step. These ad generators are meant to be accessible to all businesses – big or small. And trust me, they’ll pay off in the long run. 

Disclaimer: not a single marketer will be able to tell you what will work best. To know you have to TEST it. How? By A-B testing. That means duplicating your ad, but changing one (or max 2) components of the ad. That might be the thumbnail, the title or even the caption.

Do you have any questions on paid ads for coaches? Do you want to go more in depth in A-B testing for example? Let me know!

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