4 Journaling Prompts for Creating Abundance in Your Life

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Sometimes it can be hard to know where to start with journaling. Staring at a blank page is never much fun…. Or maybe it’s just time to mix up your journaling habits so you can get even more out of the process! 

Journalling Prompts for Creating Abundance in Your Life

The thing about journaling is that it has levels. You can have surface-level journal entries — things like: what I did today, what I’m planning to do, etc. (And there’s nothing wrong with those kinds of entries!). But you can also use journaling to dive deep into your psyche. You can use it to improve your mood, shape your subconscious mind, and create crazy amounts of abundance in your life!

Today I’m bringing you four of my favorite journaling prompts so you can really dig deep and use journaling to help you reach your full potential!

Prompt 1: “I am grateful for…”

This is a fantastic starting place. Write down a huge list of everything you’re grateful for. You’ll be surprised at the things you come up with!

Prompt 2: Write down affirmations.

An affirmation is a statement that confirms something is true. When you write affirmations, you program your brain to believe new things! 

Here are a few of my favorites:

  • I am worthy.
  • I am enough.
  • I am powerful.
  • I believe in myself.

If you really want to get into it (which I highly suggest you do!), write in big bold, capital letters! Shout it onto the page! The more your mind engages with these thoughts, the more you’ll subconsciously believe and embrace them. 

Then, for an extra boost, say them out loud while you write! Say it with emotion and conviction. I promise, you won’t sound crazy. 

PROMPT 03: Describe your perfect life in detail.

Imagine what your perfect day would look like, and then describe it in vivid detail. Write down how you wake up in the morning, what kind of bed you’re in, what color the sheets are, how you *feel*. 

For you business, write down things like:

I’m going to have clients coming towards me all the time! 

Money flows in my direction easily!

You can steal these ideas, or create your own! Really make it personal. What do you think you’re missing most in your life? What would it feel, taste, sound like to have it? What would empower you?

PROMPT 04: Free write about what you think might be holding you back. 

This is one of the hardest prompts to write. We often don’t have a good view of ourselves and what might be keeping us from reaching our goals. When you’re in the eye of a storm, you may not realize it! That’s where journaling comes in: it helps us self-reflect in ways that just thinking about it in our own heads doesn’t.

So really confront your inner self. Who are you? What do you want? Why don’t you have what you want yet? Are you self-sabotaging in some way? Do you blame your environment for your problems or do you take responsibility for your life?

If you dare to go outside the eye of the storm and take an honest look at yourself, it might be scary, but it might also just change your whole life for the better.

I suggest a MINIMUM of 5-10 min a day for journaling. Daily. 

Do what’s possible for you, but remember that it’s a totally free resource that improves your life and gives you lots of great ideas! 

So why journal? Because you are the only person who can uncover the truth within yourself. Throughout your life you’ve already gained so much knowledge just by living! Knowledge within your own brain and body.

But sometimes that knowledge gets buried. Putting it down on paper in a journal makes that knowledge real and tangible. It makes so many things obvious that were otherwise hidden to you.

Next time you’re ready to journal, use one of these prompts and let the words flow! You may just surprise even yourself with all the amazing things you discover.

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